Jack Crislip Park

The Land Bank’s conceptual plan to create a small neighborhood park came to a final realization on October 17, 2015. Located in Painesville Township on two contiguous parcels of vacant land donated by the previous owners, construction included the installation of a pavilion with tables, playground equipment, outdoor park benches, lighting, a handicap accessible walkway, landscaping, and fencing.  Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were received in addition to funds donated by Allstate Helping Hands Grant and the Painesville Community Improvement Corporation. The total value of this project approximated $174,758.26. The Land Bank donated the two parcels of land and $136,032.89 to the overall project cost.  An additional $27,000 was secured through Community Development Block Grant funds.  Title of the property was  transferred to Painesville Township on Saturday, October 17th 2015 during a ribbon cutting Ceremony.

Painesville Township named the park after, Jack Crislip a long time Trustee of the Painesville Township Park Association.


Initial Concept



Proposed Park Amenities